
Welcome To My World

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If you like my technology blog, you might like my Udemy classes too.
They are a good way to learn something new and to support my work, so I can keep creating the most amazing content for you.

Don’t forget to take a look at my blog

This is a place where I like to write about everything that catches my attention, might be a technology topic or something regarding more artistic stuff. I hope you will enjoy it as much I love writing it.


Since I was a young boy I have always been passionate about videogames. Recently, I learnt to build my own games.


During my travels I love to take pictures (a lot of pictures) about everything that catches my eye. Here is a selection of some of my best shots.


I love music in every form! After traditional classical training, I started exploring other genres, trying to learn more about music production.

Learn more about my projects

Working on technologies is my true passion, but I also like music, digital art and photography, just to name a few of my other interests.

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